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Showing posts from August, 2020

Nat. CND Conference: 21st Century Security Challenges and Solutions

London 19th and 20th October 2019 Report back by Tahrir Swift Report back from National CND AGM and 21 st Century Security Challenges and Solutions Conference at St. Thomas Hospital Please refer to this page on CND website for the a pdf of all resolutions.  Concerns: We are entering a worrying era regarding global security and stability   Positives: The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) - Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty - is legally binding and an instrument for strengthening the NPT. Cooperating with all environmental groups not least XR-Peace, anti nuclear campaigning is indivisible from environmental combating of Climate change. CND is working with European and global partners. In the age of austerity it is easier to campaign for jobs, nhs and combating poverty in our communities. 1) prevent the resurgence of Intermediate Range Missiles after demise of INF Treaty (signed by Gorbachov & Reagan Dec. 1987) 2) current atmosphere of disreg...