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New approaches to Foreign policy conference 14th Jan 2017
 London Region CND/Soas CND society at SOAS
On the 7th January an article written by Carol Turner chair of London Region CND and author of Corbyn and Trident book was published in the Morning Star warning against those who are lulled by (Donald Trump’s apparent goofiness isolationism and good relationship with Putin) into thinking the world would be safer with him at the helm in the US The presence of Nuclear weapons accentuate political tensions and uncertainty in the world  that is why CND is interested in world peace.
Nubo Ono chair of SOAS CND Society, a Japanese citizen spoke about the terrible aftermath of Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings in 1945, that is present till today in the cities. He warned against Japan abandoning its policy of not getting involved in wars as international tension is heightened in the region.
Haleigh Copley of Peace Action USA: We are in for grim times with the right wing domination of all governing institutions in Washington. The Republicans dominate the Congress and the Senate houses.  The rise of right wing populism in the aftermath of Trump’s victory is quite dangerous. However she told us about the wave of protests since Donald Trump was confirmed. Although he might seem an inward looking president he has openly called for the increase of the US nuclear arsenal.  We are worried about escalations of the armed race including nuclear weapons under DT presidency.  A massive protest being organised at Washington DC during his inauguration ceremony.
Manuel Hassassian Palestine ambassador in the UK spoke about 25 years of a so called ‘peace process’, Where the arbitrators and mediators are themselves on the side of Israel. He described the peace
process as being caught between the historically inevitable and the politically impossible. The PLO laid down its weapons in good faith that the UN and the international community will guarantee the Palestinians’ rights of self determination, however today we find ourselves facing this expansionist occupation on our own. The only support we have is from activists like you. The current Israeli government has followed an aggressive policy of land grabbing and settlement building. We cannot predict what will happen under Trump all we have is his polemic rhetoric. However if he follows through with relocating the US embassy to Jerusalem this could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back we could have a third Palestinian intifadha (uprising)
In September 2016 the Obama administration gave Israel $38 billion in military aid, so don’t just listen to rhetoric of John Kerry, see what the Democrat administration has actually done. Other concerns are the adoption of the clash of civilisations culture and the rise of Islamophobia, to justify military interventions. This actually feeds Islamic fundamentalism. There are two solution either two states or one state. The former is being eroded by Israeli expansionism creating ‘facts on the ground’. What is happening is a stalemate (status quo) for the benefit of the overwhelmingly stronger party.
Larry Saunders (brother of Bernie in the US) a spokesman for the Green Party UK. Although DT is the worst person to be elected as the leader of the US, we cannot possibly predict what his security strategy is going to be like. As he and his team seem to contradict each other. However all DT controversial statements has recently brought to the surface the instruments of the DEEP STATE (CIA, FBI, the military..).  LS then spoke about this problem being compounded by the rise of the populist right in Europe.  Populist politicians given massive coverage in the media spout what people want to hear and whip up fear and prejudice. They do not give solutions. The whipping up of Islamophobia is a good vehicle for continuous wars. DT anti NATO comments do not tally with his cabinet’s clear commitment to NATO. Activists like us are in for rough times.
Keith Bennet: former editor of Asia Times.  Just because DT is on friendly terms with Putin it does not mean we are in for peaceful times. KB made several references to the alarming US military presence in the pacific near China as well as sending military navy fleets is quite provocative. DT the president elect has singled out China (as well as Mexico)  for his wrath. DT spoke to the president of Taiwan not politically recognised by the US. He is I presume hoping to use this as a bargaining chip with China on Trade. This will not work the position of Chinese government on ‘one China’ is not negotiable. Imposing tariffs on Chinese products will harm the lifestyle of DT electorate. However we must not forget that during Obama’s time TTIP trade agreement was going to be imposed excluding China (a form of trade sanctions). In Asia there are many islands that are subject to territorial disputes (Russia Japan, south Korea, China) they never been the subject of a crisis or a conflict. However the US is now pouring fuel on the tiny sparks to raise the temperature and polarise the region. 
DT like all racist fascists is obsessed with the idea that the country is being ripped off by foreigners. As to DT remarks on NATO, I presume he is threatening if Europe does not contribute more towards the US war machine, he will encourage Japan and south Korea to develop their own Nuclear weapons.
Notes from the LRCND meeting Trump and NATO what should we expect? 24/3/17 19:30 @marchmont community centre.
Ted Seay argued against nuclear weapons and the expansion of NATO from a right wing point of view.
He claimed: 1) DT is the perfect candidate to shake up NATO and depart from the status quo, TS argued that the presence of old US nuclear weapons Europe is meaningless from a security point of view it serves only to re establish cold war politics. “NATO currently possesses approximately 180 B61 free fall tactical nuclear bombs in Europe. The aircraft to deliver these bombs are European, deployed in five countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany and Turkey). The bombs have no guidance systems and the aircrafts tasked with delivering them are ageing and in need of replacement. The tactical nuclear weapons in question are relics of the Cold war, originally deployed to help NATO counter massive Soviet conventional force superiority in central Europe. They are now widely seen to have no real military purpose or value.” TS blames countries such as France for maintaining the status quo as far as the reduction of nuclear weapons in Europe. They veto any such discussion.
2) The expansion of NATO eastwards only served to antagonise Russia which neither an economic nor military super power anymore. Reviewing Nuclear weapons posture will expose the divisions inside NATO as in reality they cannot define who the enemy is anymore.
3) Bush senior’s presidential initiative got rid of theatre nuclear weapons (different to tactical NW Theater nuclear weapons" are smaller nuclear weapons designed to be used on the battlefield of a military "theatre of operations". These are usually "smaller" nuclear weapons designed to be effective at battlefield targets, not destroying entire cities in a strategic strike.)
4) Nato is expensive (hardware & military manoeuvres): “The US government, despite impending defence spending cuts, is planning to upgrade the bombs with precision guidance systems at a cost of $4 billion. European countries, whose pilots are trained to deliver the B-61s to target, are also facing expensive decisions to replace the relevant aircraft, which are now coming to the end of their effective service lives. Each replacement aircraft – (the US F-35 Joint Strike Fighter) – is slated to cost from $90 million to just over $110 million”
5) TS believes DT posturing on Iran intends to force Iran to make more concessions re inspections 
6) TS believes DT claim he will allow south Korea and Japan to own their own nuclear weapons, aims to get them to pay for US protection.

You can find his report on the internet

Escalation by Default: The Future of NATO Nuclear Weapons in Europe

ELN Senior Associate Fellow and former Arms Control Adviser, US Mission to NATO
David Web:

Nato summit scheduled for 25th May 2017,in Brussels, the European movement No to War 

No to NATO has organised :
Participation in the big “TRUMPism Not Welcome” march on Wednesday, May 24th at 5PM. This protest march will be held in coordination with the women, student, climate, social and refugees movements (among others).  A counter NATO Conference & workshops with international guests on Thursday, May 25th.
DW reported that Anti Trump sentiments amongst activists from Eastern Europe are quite strong. While activists from western Europe find it difficult to believe Trumps anti NATO sentiments, they only serve to put pressure on Europe to spend more on their military. How will DT square wanting the US to be the greatest nation on the earth with reducing military spending ? will the US military lobby allow him such a step?
UN nuclear weapons Ban Treaty
“The new treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons will strengthen the global norms against using and possessing these weapons. And it will spur long-overdue progress towards disarmament. Experience shows that the prohibition of a particular type of weapon provides a solid legal and political foundation for advancing its progressive elimination.” ICAN On March 27, the United Nations will start negotiations on an international treaty to ban nuclear weapons. DW pointed out that public opinion around the world is against nuclear weapons, we need to put pressure on the governments to sign this treaty.

By Tahrir Swift


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