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Poems for Peace 2016

God Bless America
Gun slinger society loaded bullet Gods Praise be! Hallelujah! These words that will absolve you from the Devil's clutches and let you fire away. This sacred absolution; down to earth it fell as a spent out cartridge derived from bloody war games by a spoiled and spotty juvenile who shot his comrades dead. Wet behind the ears arrogant, smug, self righteous; this moronic boy-child swaggered out on his careless errant of death. No hint of human kindness for those he soaked in pain. The NRA looked on and wondered how it could raise its game to holy profits, through divine rights enshrined in a constitution of errors and calamities,
Geraldine Cowan October 2015
When it Rains the Rain of Fall Out 
Who will remember Chernobyl 
when it rained the rain of nuclear fall out ? Who will remember the explosion 
 as 190 tons of radioactive debri shot into the air ? 
Who will remember the rescue operations 
 as the evacuation of all buildings was 
ordered ? Who will remember the hospitals 
 as workers with skin - blackened blast injuries were treated ? 
The reactor- contaminated workers and families of those who died 
will remember The heroic firefighters will remember The liquidators who rushed in to the reactor in 3 minute bursts will remember 

Tired doctors and nurses will remember People with thyroid cancer will remember And who will understand and sympathise ? Those who see the deserted wastelands in Belarus The empty dust-layered flats,schools,colleges,libraries, town halls - The neglected forests and farmlands Who will remember if they were responsible 

in any way ? 
Those who neglected to fund reactor maintenance The Ukraine and Russian Governments who delayed compensation Officials who have repeatedly hushed up the facts
 When again it rains the rain of nuclear fallout Only then will the world be stirred to shout 

Ann Garrett Ashley [ Chernobyl 30th Anniversary – April 26th 2016 ]
Stockpiles for Whom ? 

Beneath the benevolent title ‘Stockpile Stewardship’ 
A caring daring Deadly mix created in Los Alamos 
New ultra noxious generations of Trident nuclear warheads Launched in one minute 
Clinically calculated to explode 

Closer to the ground with increased fusion Are being efficiently assembled 
Pro-nuclear governments’ 
Nuclear scientists’ Nuclear designers’ Nuclear weapons 
Dreams come true Systematically stockpiled 
tech monstrous maintenance mountains 
Management programmes 
Five billion dollars worth Ostensibly for our protection ‘Stockpile Stewardship’ 

An Academic Strategic Alliance Partnership 
A caring sharing Society of greedy global giants 
Misnamed to those Who know the truth How nuclear poisons permeate forever

 Ann Garrett Ashley [2006]


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