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Bromley Borough CND Newsletter 2019 page4


Bromley Borough CND Meetings 
Community House, South Street, Bromley. Mon Oct 14th/19
Mon March 16th/20 [AGM ] 13:30 - 15:00 
Mon June 22nd/20 13:30 - 15:00 
Leafleting in Bromley outside the Churchill Theater, in Beckenham outside LIDL, in Penge outside Boots, in Orpington near Lloyds Banks, in West Wickham near Caffe Nero/Oxfam or at Bromley South Station 
2.30 - 4.00 pm the first Saturday of each month [ note ;- there may be changes to an occasional Friday].
Aug 3rd Bromley, Sept 7th Orpington, Oct 5th Penge, Nov 2nd Bromley South Station, Dec 7th West Wickham, Jan 4th/20 Beckenham, Feb 1st/20 Bromley, March 7th/20 Penge, April 4th/20 Orpington, May 2nd/20 Bromley South Station, June 6th/20 WestWickham July 4th/20 Bromley.
 Aug 3rd -Hiroshima/Nagasaki Vigil outside the Churchill Theater, Bromley 12.00 - 3.00 pm
 Aug 9th - Peace Picnic in Tutu Peace Garden,Chinbrook Meadows Grove Park
1.30-3.00 pm 
Sat 17th August stall at Bowie's Oddity Festival - Croydon Road Recreational Ground Beckenham 12:00m- 17:00.
Mon Aug 26th - Bank Holiday stall in Market Square, Bromley - 12.00 - 3.00pm 

Sat Sept 21st - Peace Day Event -Bromley Parish Church Rooms, Church Rd,
7.30 -10.00 pm 

Sun Nov 10th   - White Poppy Ceremony at St Martins Hill, Bromley [by Primark at 10.30 am] 

Fri Dec 13th -  Seasonal Social at Tara Swift's 191 Tubbenden Lane BR6 9NN -  6.00 pm All welcome.

April 26th /2020 Chernobyl Day stall/vigil Bromley Market Square 12.00- 15:00 
July 27th- 29th- Peace News Summer Camp - near Hastings
Aug 6th - Hiroshima Day ceremony in Tavistock Square at noon + Charlton House SE7 9RE at 6 PM
 Aug 9th - Ceremony at The Peace Pagoda in Battersea Park at 7pm
Oct 19th/20th - CND Conference - at St. Thomas Hospital London
Jan 10th 2020 -   London Region CND AGM  - SOAS  
Every Wednesday  - Women only vigil  - Edith Cavell Statue, St Martins Place WC1 6-7 pm
Every Friday - Fukushima Vigil outside the Japanese Embassy and TEPCO headquarters.
Every 1st Thursday of the month - Close Guantanamo demo outside US Embassy  12 - 1 pm
Every 2nd Wednesday of the month - Close Guantanamo demo outside Parliament 1-3 pm

Every 3rd Thursday in the month - NTAG/Kick Nuclear meeting at 162 Holloway Rd 7.00pm

Local Activism

Chairperson +  Labour Action for Peace   - Richard Hart.
Secretary  + BPC -    Ann Garrett -
Treasurer +  Membership/ E-newsletter editor - Tahrir Swift -
Publicity -   Ruth Fabricant .
WILPF   - Sheila Triggs  -
National & London Region CND   - Dave Polden -
Green Party  -  John Street  - 
Lambeth Greenpeace -   Roisin Robertson -
Friends of the Earth    - Dan Sloan  - 
Stop the War  - Geraldine Cowan  -
Labour Party  [ also BPC ] - Richard Hart    
Bromley TUC - Steve Leggett  
Progressive Bromley Film Co-op  - John Courtneidge   -
Socialist Film Co-op - Colin Clary -  
Beckenham & West Wickham Amnesty International - Amanda Barnes

If you wish to join or renew subscription please print and return the slip below to:
Tahrir Swift, 191 Tubbenden Lane, Orpington. BR6 9NN
Cheques Payable to: Bromley CND  (or send the information below in an email and make a Paypal payment to - please make sure you put your full name in the payment reference and classify it as a gift otherwise we will be charged)

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