Peace activists held a vigil and a silent march through Bromley town centre to mark the 73rd anniversary of the dropping of atom bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima & Nagasaki in August 1945. The bombings resulted in the complete destruction of the cities and the death of more than 300 000 people 95% of them were innocent civilians.
The march ended in Church House Gardens, where poems were recited and white chrysantumums were floated on the lake in memory of the victims.
Ann Garrett, the Secretary of Bromley Borough CND said " contrary
to common belief the atom bombs did not end the Second World War, the Japanese
were already on the verge of capitulation, as Dwight Eisenhawer (34th U.S.
president) confirmed at the time."
the residents of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki are living with the consequences of
the horrific bombing. "The arms trade is doing very well thanks to many
conflicts around the world. We in CND think; The UK is less safe when it posses
weapons of mass destruction. Nuclear Weapons are immoral, illegal and very
expensive", Ann Garrett added.
weapons are absolutely useless in countering today's national security
challenges. They divert funds from adequate supply of protective materials for
our soldiers. CND argues for getting rid of these expensive and dangerous
over a year ago , 122 countries voted in favour of a UN sponsored Global Ban
Treaty on nuclear weapons, CND believes this is the way forwards to make the
world a much safer place. Bromley Borough CND activists urge the British
government to sign this treaty.
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