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Showing posts from July, 2019

Protest outside Westminister Abbey 03/05/19

Bromley peace campaigners joined 300 others in a protest outside Westminster Abbey in London on Friday 3 rd  May at 11 am.  The campaigners like 194 members of the clergy objected  to the thanksgiving service for the ‘UK’s deterrent at Sea’ namely our nuclear weapons.  Members of the clergy had written to the Dean of Westminster urging him to cancel the service - which was arranged by the recently sacked defence secretary Gavin Williamson- because it is against the Christian ethos to give thanks and prayers to weapons of mass destruction. The secretary of Bromley Borough CND said “let me make it absolutely clear we have nothing against the brave men and women of the Royal Navy. I myself come from a naval family. But we are opposed to the glorification of nuclear weapons, especially as the UK is a signatory of the Non Proliferation Treaty under which we should be actively getting rid of our nuclear arsenal.  In 2002 in the run up to the Iraq war, ...

Fukushima Rally outside parliament March 2019

Peace campaigners from Bromley joined others from all over the UK in a Rally outside Parliament on 16/3/2019 to mark the 8th anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. On the 11/3/2011, a powerful earthquake and a tsunami caused meltdown in three reactors at the Daiichi nuclear power plant. 18200 people died in the disaster and 42000 people were evacuated. Not forgetting those whose life expectancy has been c ut short because of radiation exposure. Despite the Japanese government’s declaration that the decontamination process is a great success, very few evacuees returned to their homes in the region so far. The cleanup operation underway in Fukushima produced several million tons of contaminated soil so far with nowhere to store. Ann Garrett the secretary of Bromley Borough CND said: “Chernobyl and Fukushima are lessons we cannot ignore about the very high environmental and human cost of nuclear power. We must also remember nuclear energy is very expensive to produc...

Bromley group hits the streets to protest climate change - Bromley Borough News

BROMLEY peace campaigners joined thousands in central London on Saturday to protest about climate justice.   Environmental campaigners, celebrities and broadcasters including Sir David Attenborough have warned that climate change is the biggest and most serious threat we have ever faced. Ann Garrett the secretary of Bromley Borough CND said: “We are at the edge of the abyss, climate change knows no borders, we are all under this threat. Time for talking and making promises has passed. It is high time governments around the world including ours in the UK took decisive and concerted action to phase out fossil fuel and reduce CO2 emissions.” “Our children and grandchildren do not need expensive, illegal and immoral nuclear weapons, they need a healthy stable environment for their own children.” Bromley CND campaigners believe the British government should ‘fulfil its obligations under the Non Proliferation Treaty by actively disarming and eventually forfeiting Trident nu...

Nuclear war and a new arms race

Dr Lesley Morrison and fellow health professionals fear Donald Trump and think the UK should be at the forefront of international nuclear disarmament. Bruce Kent and Judy Turner on the service at Westminster Abbey to mark 50 years of submarine-based nuclear weapons Your article Surviving nuclear war – hide under the stairs, take a bucket (3 April) about the cold war exhibition at the National Archives in Kew stirred vivid memories of the disarmament movement in the 1980s. Sadly, the work of that campaign is no less urgent now. The recent decision of the US and then Russia to suspend compliance with the intermediate-range nuclear forces ( INF ) treaty threatens the start of a new arms race. We are all concerned about Donald Trump’s increasingly erratic behaviour and unpredictable methods of conducting international diplomacy; our security is at risk, and the fact that he has control over the US nuclear arsenal and its potential deployment is frightening. We write as...

Speech at Lewisham Islamic Centre

-21/3/2019 I am here this morning to speak on behalf of Bromley Peace Council and Lewisham, Sydenham and Bromley CND groups, and bring a message of solidarity. We are deeply saddened and shocked by the Christ Church shootings in New Zealand. There is no place in this world for Islamophobia and those of us who work for peace in our communities, welcome the richness that diversity brings from different cultures and beliefs. We have and will continue to stand up to fascism and racism, and do what it takes -  being here today, going on marches and enjoying communicating, especially with the friendly members of Lewisham Islamic Centre. Hopefully we can all work together for greater understanding, peace and unity. Ann Garrett Bromley Peace  Council at Stand up to racism

Chernobyl 2019

Bromley Peace campaigners gathered in Bromley Market Square on Friday 26/4/19 to mark the 33rd anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. The disaster took place in 1986 and was covered up by the then Soviet authorities. The explosion at the nuclear power plant released a radioactive cloud that drifted across Europe reaching the UK a week later. 70% of the radioactive materials fell over farmlands, forests, towns and villages in Belarus.  The children of Belarus are since then and to date continuing to pay the heavy price of this disaster with their health and well being. There is a huge increase in childhood cancers, thyroid disorders and birth defects even today. Innocent people paid the heavy price of Chernobyl 1986 and Fukushima 2011 disasters let alone livestock, pets and the enduring damage to the environment that will last thousands of years. Ann Garrett the Secretary of Bromley Borough CND said “ These are alarm bells we should not ignore when our ...

Radio active Waste : The big unresolved problem of Nuclear Power

CND Cymru Nuclear Waste is a world wide problem. There is no disposal site to securely contain radioactive waste. The nuclear industry in Britian has already produced a pile of hazardous material material to be guarded well beyond our lifetimes. Now it wants to make even more. yet no scientific solution to waste storage in sight! Continue to read article

White poppy Ceremony 11/11/2018

Bromley peace campaigners and their supporters once again converged on the Cenotaph in Bromley on Remembrance Sunday as they have been doing since 1985. They stood in silence, they read poems and spoke up about the futility of war in our present day. On the hundredth anniversary of the end of WWI, there was remembrance for those who were brave enough to reject war and suffer the ultimate punishment for their principled stance. The peace campaigners are alarmed and distressed  with regards to the catastrophic situation in Yemen. This poor country home to 250 000 Somali refugees is on the verge of an unprecedented famine. 22.2 million people in that country are dependent on aid. However Saudi Arabia our close ally is bombarding the port of Hudaydeh that receives the humanitarian supplies. KSA has repeatedly committed war crimes with bombs and weapons that the UK government have supplied! [£50 billion worth of weapons and equipment]. Ann Garrett, the secretary of Bromley Boro...

H&N Vigil : WMDs should be banned the world over.

Peace activists held a vigil and a silent march through Bromley town centre to mark the 73rd anniversary of the dropping of atom bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima & Nagasaki in August 1945. The bombings resulted in the complete destruction of the cities and the death of more than 300 000 people 95% of them were innocent civilians. The march ended in Church House Gardens, where poems were recited and white chrysantumu ms were floated on the lake in memory of the victims. Ann Garrett, the Secretary of Bromley Borough CND said " contrary to common belief the atom bombs did not end the Second World War, the Japanese were already on the verge of capitulation, as Dwight Eisenhawer (34th U.S. president) confirmed at the time." Todate, the residents of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki are living with the consequences of the horrific bombing. "The arms trade is doing very well thanks to many conflicts around the world. We in CND think; The UK is less safe when it p...

Bromley Borough CND Newsletter 2019 page4

DIARY OF EVENTS Bromley Borough CND Meetings  Community House, South Street, Bromley.  Mon Oct 14th/19 Mon March 16th/20 [AGM ] 13:30 - 15:00  Mon June 22nd/20 13:30 - 15:00  ______________________________________________  Leafleting in Bromley outside the  Churchill Theater , in Beckenham outside  LIDL , in Penge  outside  Boots,  in Orpington near Lloyds Banks, in West Wickham near Caffe Nero/Oxfam or at Bromley South Station  2.30 - 4.00 pm the first Saturday of each month [ note ;- there may be changes to an occasional Friday]. Aug 3rd Bromley, Sept 7th Orpington, Oct 5th Penge, Nov 2nd Bromley South Station, Dec 7th West Wickham, Jan 4th/20 Beckenham, Feb 1st/20 Bromley, March 7th/20 Penge, April 4th/20 Orpington, May 2nd/20 Bromley South Station, June 6th/20 WestWickham July 4th/20 Bromley. _______________________________________________   Aug 3rd -Hiroshima/Nagasaki Vigil outside the Churchill Theater, ...

BAN 2019 page 1

A hard copy of this newsletter can be obtained for 50p Please visit and like our page All suggested articles for our facebook page and our blog : are welcome   published by Bromley Borough anti Nuclear group Check out our FaceBook page CAMPAIGNS/ ACTIONS   August 26th Bank Holiday  Bromley Street Stall in Market Square by Mural , Bromley 12.00 - 3.00 pm 26th April 2020 Chernobyl Day  same place/time.  R emembrance Sunday  - Nov 10th. White Poppy Ceremony at Peace (War) Memorial, Church Road, Bromley at 10:50am. We will assemble outside Primark [ at the Church Rd side ] at 10:30am. Seasonal Social  - Friday Dec 13th   at Tahrir Swift's House BR6 9NN 01689 889663  Please bring some food & drink to share. All welcome. Hiroshima/Nagasaki Activities Sat Aug 3rd. Bromley Vigil outside the Churchill Theatre. 12:00p...